Is It Allergies or Something More? Here’s When to See an ENT Specialist

Summer is here, and many residents in the Clear Lake and the surrounding areas are finding themselves dealing with allergy symptoms. While allergies are often a normal occurrence during the warmer months, they can become severe and need to be addressed by an ENT specialist. We know your health is important here at Houston Physicians’ Hospital, so we’ve laid out some signs that mean it’s time to visit an ENT doctor for your allergies:


  1. You Frequently Have Sinus Problems

If you often find yourself suffering from sinus problems such as sinus infections or severe sinus pain, it may be time to speak with a medical professional about the possibility of an ENT problem. The American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology states that those who have allergies are at a greater risk for infections and other problems with the sinuses (1).



  1. OTC Treatments Have Not Worked

Typically, it is best to try OTC (over the counter) methods to treat allergies before speaking to an ENT specialist. In fact, the American Journal of Managed Care estimates that 57% of allergy sufferers are able to treat their allergies using OTC treatment methods (2). However, if you have tried different OTC medications to treat your allergies and still suffer from persistent symptoms, it can mean you need to speak with an ENT specialist.



  1. Breathing is Extremely Difficult

While a stuffy nose is a common symptom of normal allergies, it shouldn’t cause breathing to become extremely difficult. If you suffer from breathing difficulties along with your allergies, you may have a condition called “allergic asthma.” According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, allergic asthma is a condition in which allergens trigger asthma symptoms, such as wheezing or difficulty breathing (3). Speak to a medical professional as quickly as possible if breathing is extremely difficult as a result of your allergies.



  1. Your Symptoms Interfere with Your Daily Life

The National Sleep Foundation cites that allergy symptoms can make it difficult to sleep at night (4). If your allergy symptoms are getting in the way of your regular sleep cycle, you should seek treatment from an ENT specialist. Also consider whether your allergies affect any other aspects of your life, such as your exercise routine or your appetite. Allergy symptoms can be challenging to deal with, but if they are holding you back from your daily life, it’s time to seek treatment from a medical professional.


Allergies can hinder many people’s summer plans, but they shouldn’t control your life. For professional allergy management, give Houston Physicians’ Hospital a call at (281) 557-5620. We proudly offer expert ENT treatments in Clear Lake and the surrounding areas.



















These 4 Outdoor Activities Are Great for Your Back!

Summer is upon us, and it’s a great time to be active outside. For those who experience back pain, outdoor activities may seem more like a burden than a fun way to get active this summer. As a leading name in pain management, Houston Physicians’ Hospital believes that no one should be held back from enjoying fun outdoor activities, so we’ve listed some back-friendly options to try:


  1. Yoga

Many people enjoy doing some outdoor yoga on a beautiful summer morning, and it just so happens to be a wonderful way to help with chronic back pain. In fact, the National Center for Biotechnology Information states that not only does yoga reduce the intensity of back pain, but it also helps restore function and movement in the back (1). Some great poses to try are Seated Spinal Twist, Sphinx Pose, and Lower Back Clasp, as these poses focus primarily on the muscles that help support the spine.



  1. Swimming

Swimming is the perfect warm weather activity. It can help your back and provide the extra benefit of keeping you cool. The National Center for Biotechnical Information cites water-based cardio activities, like swimming, as one of the most useful methods of exercise for those suffering from back pain (2). Whether you’re playing pool games or swimming laps, your pool will help keep your back pain-free in the warm weather.



  1. Stand-Up Paddle Boarding

Paddle boarding is a low-impact activity that can help build strength in the core and improve balance. A study published in The Journal of Sports Sciences also associates paddle boarding with improved static and dynamic postural control (3). This increase in postural control is directly related to the amount of back pain present, according to the National Center for Biotechnical Medicine (4). Get out on the lake and try some paddle boarding for the perfect warm weather, back-friendly activity.



  1. Walking

NHS England, a public body of the Department of Health and Social Care, suggests walking as a way to help relieve back pain (5). A morning stroll is a great option to help back pain, as there is no equipment needed, and it can easily be done in your own neighborhood. Keep in mind that you will need supportive shoes to help absorb the shock as your feet hit the ground.


Back pain often appears at inconvenient times, but these four outdoor activities will keep you pain-free as summer arrives. For expert back pain management treatments in Clear Lake, Texas, and the surrounding areas, give The Spine Solutions Center at Houston Physicians’ Hospital a call at 832-340-2134.






















Use These Tips to Protect Your Back While Traveling

Summer is getting closer and closer, and many people in Webster, Texas, and the surrounding areas are ready for a vacation. However, your travel plans can easily be hindered by back pain without the proper pain management techniques. At Houston Physicians’ Hospital, we understand that everyone wants a pain-free vacation, so we’ve listed some tips to help you protect your back while traveling:


  1. Divide Your Luggage

Instead of packing all of your vacation items into one bag, try dividing your items into 2 or 3 smaller, lighter bags. According to the Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, heavy lifting was one of the most commonly stated causes of lower back pain (1). Packing separate bags allows you to pack whatever you may need for a trip, without causing one bag to become too heavy and increase your risk for back pain.


  1. Avoid Twisting When Lifting Luggage

According to the medical journal Spine, twisting motions are significantly related to back pain (2). When lifting heavy luggage, replace a twisting motion with a pivot. This allows your whole body to move, reducing the amount of strain placed on your back and reducing the risk for injury.


  1. Bring an OTC Medication as a Backup

If you’re prescription medication runs out, you don’t want to be stuck with pain during your trip. Bring an Over-the-Counter medication, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen to help reduce pain in the event you are left without your prescription. However, be sure to speak with your local pain management doctor to ensure these medications are safe for you to use.


  1. Get Up and Stretch

If you are traveling by plane, get up and stretch once the pilot has stated it is safe to move around. Plane rides often involve long periods of sitting still, which can mean bad news for your back.  According to the medical journal Spine, prolonged sitting in a constrained posture increases the risk for back pain (3). Getting up and moving around can help relieve the back from being confined to one posture for extended periods of time.


  1. Wear Slip-On Shoes

According to the medical journal Occupational Medicine, frequently bending over shows significant potential for contributing to back pain (4).  Avoid this by wearing slip on shoes. These shoes can be easily taken off after a long day of walking without the need to bend over and potentially make your back pain worse.


Vacation is a time to relax and enjoy yourself, not deal with back pain. These simple tips can help keep your back pain-free when traveling. For expert back pain treatment in Webster, Texas, and the surrounding areas, give the Spine Solutions Center at Houston Physicians’ Hospital a call at 832-340-2134.




Hassle-Free Spring Cleaning: How to Clean Without Back Problems

As the new season approaches, many people in Webster, Texas, are getting ready to begin their yearly spring cleaning tasks. However, a simple spring cleaning becomes much more difficult for those dealing with back pain. At Houston Physicians’ Hospital, we know that back pain can be extremely frustrating when it holds you back from important tasks, so we’ve laid out some tips that will help you get your cleaning done while leaving your back pain-free:

  1. Enlist the Help of a Friend

You don’t have to take on major cleaning jobs alone. Enlist a friend to help share the work. Not only does this make the work go by faster, it can also prove helpful when it comes time to clean any hard-to-reach areas that require a ladder. According to the American Journal of Epidemiology, climbing ladders is one of the highest-risk activities that can cause back pain (1), so ask a friend for help with the ladder to avoid a trip to your nearest hospital in Webster.


  1. Stretch Before Cleaning

Although we may not view it as its own workout, cleaning is still a form of physical activity, and our orthopedic hospital recommends stretching beforehand to help alleviate back pain. According to the Group Health Research Institute, stretching has shown to be effective in reducing chronic low back pain (2). Begin stretching at the head and neck, and slowly work down through the spine and legs.


  1. Practice Proper Lifting Techniques

Sometimes, spring cleaning requires moving heavy objects from one part of the house to another. Before you begin lifting, make sure you are using proper techniques to avoid any potential back problems. To place the least amount of stress on your back, The Official Journal of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors recommends lifting heavy weight with the strength of your legs (3).


  1. Be Aware of Your Body

Be sure to remain aware of how your body is feeling during your spring cleaning. If you notice any pain during your task, immediately stop what you are doing and take a rest. Continuing to “push through” the pain will only lead to further back problems down the road. In fact, the medical journal Annals of Medicine cites that 60% of back pain patients point to overexertion as the cause of their injury (4). Taking a break when you first notice pain can help debilitating injuries from occurring. If your pain persists for a few days, you may want to head to Webster’s leading orthopedic hospital, Houston Physicians’ Hospital to rule out any serious issues.


  1. Divide Up the Work

Your spring cleaning may be a bit more work than your back can handle in one day.  Break up any major tasks so they are completed over the course of a few days to avoid overworking your spine. According to the Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, the prevalence of back pain increases as the number of working hours increased (5), so don’t be afraid to spend a few extra days on spring cleaning for the sake of your spine.


Spring cleaning is a much-needed task for many Webster, Texas, residents and can feel like an overwhelming challenge for those with back pain. These tips can help you get your cleaning done without the worry of irritating your back pain. If your back pain is routinely interfering with your everyday life, it’s time to seek the help of a leading orthopedic hospital in the Webster area. Give Houston Physicians’ Hospital’s Spine Solutions Center a call at 832-340-2134.











Did Your Valentine’s Day Candy Mess with Your Back? Check Out These Tips to Get Your Diet Back on Track

After snacking on Valentine’s Day candies, you may notice that you’ve been experiencing more back pain than usual. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, high amounts of sugar have been shown to increase chronic inflammation (1), which means the chocolate you enjoyed during the holiday may be the cause of your increased back pain. It can be difficult to get back to your diet after enjoying Valentine’s Day treats, so Houston Physicians’ Hospital has laid out some helpful tips to get your diet back on track and reduce your post-holiday back pain:

  1. Start Tracking Your Meals

Wean yourself off of the sugary food by tracking what you eat. The Journal of the American Dietetic Association shows that those who track their meals become more aware of their eating habits (2), leading to both healthier meal choices and weight loss. Smartphone applications have made tracking your meals easier and more convenient than ever before. Check the meal tracking apps available on your phone to find the right one for you and get back to making back-friendly meal choices.


  1. Choose the Right Snacks

Ditch the leftover chocolate as a snack and opt for foods rich in protein instead. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, protein has been shown to be more satiating than fat and sugar (3), meaning you will feel full longer and will be less likely to reach for multiple sugary snacks. Some great, protein-packed snack options include hard-boiled eggs, plain yogurt, and nuts.


  1. Skip the Added Sugar

After a candy-filled Valentine’s Day, you may find yourself adding more sugar to your diet than normal. You may be adding more sugar to your daily coffee, find yourself craving sugary fruit juices, or feel the need to go out and get more candy. According to Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, sugar has the potential to become addictive (4), meaning the more sugar you eat, the more sugar you crave. Take steps to reduce this sugar addiction by skipping the foods or drinks with added sugar. If your sugar craving becomes too great, try snacking on some fruit. They are a healthy source of dietary sugars and can satisfy your sweet tooth without increasing your back pain.


  1. Eat More, Rather Than Less

It may seem too good to be true, but eating more can actually get your diet back on track after the Valentine’s Day holiday. After days of snacking on leftover candy, you may feel as if you need to skip meals to “make up” for the amount of calories and sugar you consumed, but this isn’t the case. In fact, skipping meals can lead you to crave sugar and fat-loaded foods, leading to an unhealthy binge and increased back pain when you do eat (5).


While Valentines Day candy may be the culprit behind your increased back pain, it’s not too late to get your diet back on track and help your back feel better. For those in Webster, Texas, looking to return to a life free of back pain, give the Spine Solutions Center at Houston Physicians’ Hospital a call at 832-340-2134.

Shred the Sweets and Help Your Back Feel Better

We all know that sugar shouldn’t be a main staple in our diet. With sodas, cookies, candy, and other sweets, sugar can pose a major temptation. However, did you know it could be a major reason behind your back pain?  Here’s some ways your sweet tooth may be causing you pain:


  1. Weight Gain

A diet high in sugar can lead to weight gain. Food or drinks with an elevated sugar content not only are unable to provide your body with essential energy, they also have a low level of satiety, according to The American Society of Clinical Nutrition (1). This leaves you feeling hungry, even if you have just eaten. As a result, you’re more likely to consume an increased number of calories, which leads to weight gain. This weight gain strains and inflames the back muscles and ligaments, causing a painful sensation. This risk of pain may raise with age, as the Obesity Society found a relationship between increased pain and increased BMI in adults age 60 and older (2).


  1. Higher Cholesterol

Those who consume a high-sugar diet are at risk for higher cholesterol levels, according to The American Society for Clinical Nutrition (3).  While eating sugar every once in a while won’t wreak havoc on your cholesterol, a consistent amount of sugar being consumed can be a large contributor to increased cholesterol levels in the body. This could lead to more pain in your back. According to the medical journal “Spine,” those with above normal cholesterol levels report pain more often than those with normal cholesterol levels (4).


  1. Increased Risk of Developing RA

Your sweet tooth may lead to the development of RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) in the spine. RA causes the body’s immune system to attack its own tissue, which leads to painful swelling of the joint linings. Consuming sugar, particularly sugar-sweetened drinks, can lead to RA, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (5). RA can affect your spine and lead to debilitating back pain, so think twice before ordering a soda with your next meal.


  1. Increases Inflammation

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, a diet high in sugar promotes inflammation within the body (6). When inflammation occurs, the affected area swells, which leads to pain. Eating too much sugar leads to this swelling and can be fixed by replacing sugary snacks with healthier options like nuts or unsweetened yogurt.


When you find yourself reaching for the cookies too often, keep your back in mind. This January, aim to shred the sweets to have your back feeling its best. If your back pain is interfering with your daily life, give Houston Physicians’ Hospital a call at 832-340-2134. Our Spine Solutions Center is the most comprehensive spine treatment center in Webster, Texas, and can help get you back to a pain-free life.


