MRI used to treat essential tremors

The 3 Types of Tremors You Should Know About

rhythmic oscillations or movements that occur involuntarily in any body part. They’re uncontrollable and unintentional movements that may occur at any given time due to a problem in the region of the brain responsible for muscular movement.

Tremors aren’t necessarily severe or life threatening. They can be treated, and may even disappear on their own. In many cases, though, tremors can indicate a neurological disorder such as Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis.

How Are Tremors Classified?

There are two main types of tremors: resting tremors and action tremors.

Resting tremors occur when your body is at rest and the muscles are relaxed. For instance, they may occur when you’re lying down or when your hands are idle by your side. Action tremors occur when there’s muscular movement, such as when you’re walking or performing a task. They can be further categorized into postural, kinetic, and task-specific tremors.

Common Types of Tremors

Brain imaging


Tremors are There are more than 20 types of tremors. The most common ones include the following:

Essential Tremors

Essential tremors are classified as movement disorders. These are postural tremors that typically occur on both sides of the body. However, the symptoms are usually more prominent on the person’s dominant side. Essential tremors usually affect the hands and arms, but they may also impact the lower limbs, vocal cords, and head.

Essential tremor disorder is most prevalent among older individuals. It’s the most common type of trembling disorder, resulting in excessive shaking and uncontrollable movement.

Parkinsonian Tremors

Most people with Parkinson’s disease experience a specific type of resting tremors. These are characterized by a slow, pill-rolling movement in the fingers. In addition to the hands, Parkinsonsonian tremors can also affect the lips, chin, arms, and legs.

Dystonic Tremors

As the name suggests, dystonic tremors affect people with dystonia—a movement disorder that results in involuntary muscle contractions. Individuals with dystonia often experience these tremors, causing them to exhibit repetitive motions, twisting, twitching, or abnormal postures. However, these tremors are irregular and may disappear upon complete rest.

Tremor Treatments in Houston

Houston Physicians’ Hospital provides tremor treatments. We use MR-guided focused ultrasound procedures for essential tremor treatments. We can provide Parkinson’s treatments using the same procedure.

Visit our website to learn more about our specialty hospital in Houston and to find a doctor who’s right for you—whether you need treatment for tremors, upper back treatments, hip surgery, or joint pain treatments.