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Causes of Chronic Pain in Young Adults

A study conducted across 42 countries found that more than 44% of children and teenagers experience weekly pain, with rates differing slightly among countries. Another study highlighted that approximately 5% of young people complain of severe chronic pain that impacts their daily lives, hindering activities they want to pursue to lead a fulfilling life.

Chronic pain at a young age can affect many aspects of life, from sleep to school, sports, mental health, and social lives. CDC defines chronic pain as a health condition that causes pain daily or frequently for at least three months. If the pain lasts three months or less, it might be acute pain.

The pain management specialists at Houston Physicians’ Hospital understand how chronic stiffness, pain, swelling, or discomfort can stop you from living a fulfilling life. If you are a parent of a child or teenager suffering from chronic pain, here are some facts that may help you understand the condition and seek the treatment they need.

Types of Chronic Pain

Neuropathic Pain

This type of chronic pain often occurs after a dysfunction or damage to the nervous system. Neuropathic pain can happen due to an injury or diseases such as leprosy, cancer, HIV infection, diabetes, broken bones, amputation, and shingles.

Nociceptive Pain

When pain receptors, known as nociceptors, are activated due to injuries, they can cause pain. While these receptors don’t normally get activated without injuries and tend to stop when the injury heals, sometimes they send pain signals even when the triggering injury heals.

Nociceptive pain can be somatic or visceral. The former refers to pain from injuries to the outer body structures, such as the muscles, bones, skin, joints, ligaments, and tendons. Examples include fibromyalgia, bone pain, and arthritis.

Meanwhile, visceral pain can be achy and comes from major internal organs. It often affects surrounding structures as well. One example is back pain resulting from an organ in the abdomen.

A woman staying active to manage chronic pain at a young age

What Causes Chronic Pain at a Young Age?

Even after considerable research, the causes of chronic pain aren’t clear. However, it develops after illnesses and injuries when certain nerves send pain signals to the brain. But sometimes, chronic pain can happen without any cause.

The brain chemicals that suppress pain also sometimes stop working as they should, leaving people more sensitive to pain. When chronic pain isn’t tied to physical illness or injury, healthcare providers consider it psychosomatic or psychogenic. It means chronic pain caused by psychological factors such as depression, anxiety, and stress. Researchers believe the connection stems from low endorphin levels in the blood. It’s also possible for several causes of pain to overlap.

If you or your child suffers from chronic pain, you can find a doctor who’s right for you to start your journey toward pain management and healing. The team of pain management specialists at Houston Physicians’ Hospital use state-of-the-art technology and innovative solutions to diagnose and recommend treatments for chronic pain to help people of all ages enjoy life to the fullest.

Since the frequency and severity of chronic pain vary, our qualified chronic pain specialists examine each case thoroughly. They evaluate underlying health conditions, lifestyle choices, medical history, and other factors to develop an individualized treatment plan for enhanced mobility and long-term pain relief.

As one of the leading specialty hospitals in the region, we’re dedicated to providing top-of-the-line healthcare and aftercare to patients suffering from joint pain, Knee Surgery Webster TX, back pain, neck pain, Hip Arthritis Webster TX, bruised hip bone, and other health conditions.

Take your first step toward a more comfortable life. Find a pain management specialist who’s right for you and reach out to his or her office directly to make an appointment.